RHR: Promoting Healthy Longevity with Bone Broth, with Dr. Kara Fitzgerald and Jill Sheppard Davenport
In this episode, we discuss: The history behind the partnership between Kara and Jill and the Better Broths and Healing Tonics cookbook Their exhaustive pilot study into whether bones harbor lead and other toxic metals Nutrients found in broth, including potassium, selenium, glycine, and arginine The design of the cookbook and the recipes Considerations for those with histamine intolerance or on specialized diets The impact of using a variety of methylation adaptogens, epinutrients, and other health‑supportive ingredients Show notes: [embedded content] Hey, everybody, Chris Kresser here. Welcome to another episode of Revolution Health Radio. If you’ve been following my work for any length of time, you know I’ve been a huge advocate of bone broth for many years. It’s been a part of traditional diets all over the world, and it has...