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Welcome / Health (Page 11)

RHR: The Secret Biomarker for Optimal Health, with Dr. David Perlmutter

Dr. David Perlmutter, the author of Drop Acid, joins Chris Kresser in this episode of Revolution Health Radio to discuss the very important biomarker, uric acid, and how its levels affect overall metabolic health. Dr. Perlmutter explains its effects and dangers, which foods can raise or lower your levels, and how to test your levels on your own if unable to work with your primary physician.  [embedded content] In this episode, we discuss: The importance of uric acid as a biomarker The difference between normal ranges and optimal levels for biomarkers The effects of blood sugar and cravings for sweet things on overall health The correlation between weight gain and metabolic issues Understanding evolutionary mismatch Which foods to eat and which to avoid for optimal uric acid levels Talking with your doctor about...


RHR: The Science of Reversing Aging, with Dr. Kara Fitzgerald

In this episode of Revolution Health Radio, Dr. Kara Fitzgerald, author of Younger You, sits down with Chris Kresser to discuss the results of her landmark study on methylation and anti-aging. Understanding the impact that methylation has and diet behavior and lifestyle inputs that affect methylation is one of the keys to extending our health span and making sure that we age in a graceful way and really can enjoy our health and well-being as we get older.  [embedded content] In this episode, we discuss: Why discussing aging is so important What methylation is and why it matters How toxin exposure impacts epigenetics and changes in the body and health Dr. Kara Fitzgerald’s study as a multifaceted holistic approach to anti-aging and the results  Where to learn more about the 3...


RHR: The Importance of Nutrition for Mental and Physical Health, with Autumn Smith of Paleovalley

Mental health is an important concern for all human beings, but the connection between depression and diet seldom comes up in mainstream discussions. In this episode of Revolution Health Radio, I meet with Autumn Smith, founder of Paleovalley, to discuss the motivating factor of personal health problems that brought both of us into our current line of work, and dig deeper into important topics like that little-discussed connection between nutrition and mental health, the widespread problem of nutrient deficiencies, how soil quality affects the nutrient density of food, and more.  [embedded content] In this episode, we discuss: Autumn Smith’s personal health journey, which led her to found Paleovalley The connection between diet and mental health The widespread problem of nutrient deficiencies, even in the modern, civilized world How soil quality...


8 Tips for Beating Insomnia and Improving Your Sleep

Page Contents: You’re probably aware by now how important sleep is for good health. Inadequate sleep is a major stressor on the body and has been implicated in obesity, insulin resistance, heart disease, impaired cognitive function, and numerous other health complaints. (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) It doesn’t matter how dialed in your nutrition and exercise are; if you don’t get enough sleep, your health will suffer. (7) The trouble is, making sleep a priority—although an important step—doesn’t necessarily guarantee you’ll get a restful 8 hours per night. Many people can’t fall asleep at a reasonable hour, wake up in the middle of the night and can’t get back to sleep, or consistently wake up too early. According to a review published in 2013, an estimated...


RHR: Managing Screen Time for Kids

Technology has grown to play an increasingly important role in our daily lives, so it’s absolutely essential that we consider the possible harmful effects of screen time on both adults and children. There is a growing concern for children whose developing brains and social skills can be affected by [the] overuse of technology, and yet it’s become apparent that tech will remain ingrained in our lives for the foreseeable future. In this podcast, I cover some of the ways that my family uses and restricts technology in our daily lives, some examples of how it can be harmful and what we can do about it, as well as some suggestions for each family to adopt a plan for managing their screen time in [a] way...


RHR: Body Awareness and Athletic Mastery, with Tom Gellie

Athletic performance is about far more than simply developing a skill. In this episode, I talk with Tom Gellie, my personal ski coach, about his unique approach, not only to skiing but to the learning and mastery of physical skills in general. We discuss the principles of body awareness, the importance of practice, and how to achieve athletic mastery in your sport of choice. This episode is important to me, not only because of my personal relationship with Tom, but because of my own lifelong passion for learning, discovery, and the mastery of new skills.   In this episode, we discuss: Introduction to Tom Gellie and his background How to assess your athletic performance The links between body awareness, kinesthetic intelligence, and athletic success Building body awareness to achieve mastery Practice drills...


RHR: Q&A on Osteoporosis: Risk Factors and Lifestyle Considerations

Osteoporosis affects approximately 50% of people over the age of 50 or 60, making prevention and treatment an important topic for people of all ages. In this episode of Revolution Health Radio, I provide a deep dive into some of the most important factors affecting bone health, reveal the critical nutrients that are necessary to maintain a strong body, and answer a number of questions patients and listeners have asked about what to eat and how to live in order to prevent osteoporosis and limit some of its negative effects. This episode contains Chris’s tips for decreasing your risk of osteoporosis, even without access to lab testing or a Functional Medicine doctor.  In this episode, we discuss: Dietary considerations for osteoporosis, including the importance of nutrients like...


RHR: REVAMPing How We Think about Health, with Dr. Jordyn Feingold

Health is much more than being free of disease. In this episode of Revolution Health Radio, I talk with positive psychology expert Dr. Jordyn Feingold about what health really is and how we can all cultivate more health, well-being, and self-awareness by using the acronym “REVAMP,” a six-ingredient framework consisting of relationships, engagement, vitality, accomplishment, meaning, and positive emotions. In this episode, we discuss: Jordyn’s background Why relationships are the foundation of the “REVAMP” model for well-being Harnessing the power of the placebo effect The importance of engaging in the flow of life and within ourselves  Using sustainable habit change to increase vitality Reducing burnout by reframing accomplishments Finding meaning and purpose in life Learning how to prolong and deepen positive emotions The importance of post-traumatic growth Show notes: [embedded content] RHR with Jordyn Feingold Intro: Hey everybody, Chris...


ADAPT Functional Health Coach Training and Certification

ADAPT Functional Health Coach Training and Certification - Chris Kresser The ADAPT Functional Health Coach training program is one of the most rigorous Health and Wellness Coach Training & Education Programs approved by the National Board for Health and Wellness Coaching (NBHWC). An ADAPT-Certified Functional Health Coach (A-CFHC) has completed our robust 12-month training that includes months of dedicated learning in the areas of both Functional Health and the Art and Science of Coaching, followed by months of practical experience and applied learning with feedback.  Our program provides more hours of practical application than most any other program, and it’s the practice that leads to successful coaches, and thus, successful clients.  Additionally, there are homework and...


RHR: Discovering the Potential of Medical Cannabis, with Mikhail Kogan

The use of medical cannabis has been highly stigmatized over the years. There was even a ban on researching it for any medicinal use! But given the potential that this botanical medicine has and how well tolerated it is by most people, it’s becoming a huge asset in the integrative medical model. In this episode of Revolution Health Radio, I talk with medical cannabis expert Dr. Mikhail Kogan about the role of cannabinoids in today’s medical landscape, the stigma that surrounds them, and how to safely prescribe medical cannabis to eventually replace conventional medications. In this episode, we discuss: Mikhail’s background with medical cannabis The role of cannabis in today’s medical landscape The power and use of different cannabinoids Navigating the stigma of cannabis use How Dr. Kogan prescribes medical cannabis Tips...
