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January 14, 2025

RHR: Gut Health 3.0- The Power of Polyphenols and Postbiotics

In this episode, we discuss: Gut Health 1.0: Probiotics and Bacillus coagulans Gut Health 2.0: Prebiotics and bacteriophages Gut Health 3.0: Polypheno

November 5, 2024

RHR: Revolutionizing Cancer Treatment, with Dr. Chris Apfel

In this episode, we discuss: Dr. Apfel’s background and personal journey into cancer research The important first steps to take after a cancer diagn

What Is an Ancestral Diet and How Does It Help You?

Page Contents: In this article, I’ll go over the common characteristics our Paleolithic ancestors shared and I’ll explain how a Paleo or ancestral approach to what we eat can improve our overall health. Read on to learn what an ancestral diet looks like and get five health benefits to eating more like a hunter–gatherer. What is an ancestral diet? Check out this article to find out some common characteristics our Paleolithic ancestors shared and learn five health benefits of eating Paleo. #chriskresser #paleo #optimalhealth Chronic Disease Plagues the Modern World—and Diet May Be to Blame Chronic disease has reached epidemic levels in developed countries. Incidences of type 2 diabetes, obesity, autoimmune disease, mental health disorders, and more are skyrocketing. Six in 10 American adults have a chronic disease,...


Effective Communication: Health Coaching in Action

Page Contents: I am an ADAPT-Certified Functional Health Coach (Chris Kresser likens us to change agents). I am also an Enrollment Advisor for the Kresser Institute and have the pleasure of spending part of my day talking to wellness warriors who want to share their passion for Functional Medicine and optimal health. We created a series of articles to forward the understanding of the vital role health coaches play in helping clients achieve positive health outcomes. Via a Q&A format, we hope to give you a window into the exciting and growing field of health coaching. I look forward to your feedback and would love the opportunity to learn more about your vision of a future as a change agent. How does effective communication connect with...


Paleo Staples: 9 Simple and Easy Recipes to Make at Home

There’s no doubt that making your own versions requires more work, but the process is rewarding and usually much cheaper than buying Paleo products off the shelf. I’m going to share nine recipes for Paleo staples that are almost always stocked in my kitchen. Affordable, kid-friendly, nourishing food is my goal. Looking for a way to eat Paleo without needing to stock up on expensive packaged staples? Check out this article for nine recipes you can make at home. #paleo #wellness Useful Paleo Kitchen Gadgets In the recipes below, I will mention a number of handy kitchen gadgets. Not all are necessary, but these appliances do make Paleo cooking easier. Instant Pot: for bone broth and yogurt (and so much more) Yogurt maker: to make yogurt if you don’t want...


RHR: Why the Optimal Human Diet Includes Animal Protein

Page Contents In this episode, we discuss: My upcoming appearance on The Joe Rogan Experience Why plant protein doesn’t measure up to animal protein Where protein really comes from How much protein athletes need Protein intake for non-athletes What protein quality is Six nutrients that are missing from plant protein Show notes: [embedded content] Hey, everybody, Chris Kresser here. Welcome to another episode of Revolution Health Radio. I’m on the road this week, so apologies for the decline in recording quality. I should be back to my normal setup soon. My Upcoming Appearance on The Joe Rogan Experience So, this week, I wanted to do something a little bit different and talk about the recent film The Game Changers. You might have heard of this. It’s a new film advocating for the benefits of a plant-based...


How to Limit Restrictive Eating and Develop a Healthy Food Mindset

In my clinical nutrition practice, many of my clients have already tried special restriction diets, such as a low-FODMAP (fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols) or keto diet, before coming to see me. While strategic dietary restrictions can certainly support better health when implemented correctly, excessive dietary restriction can also promote unhealthy eating behaviors and anxiety around food. Read on to learn how cultivating healthy eating behaviors and a flexible mindset around food can help you escape the vicious cycle of dieting and nourish your body optimally over the long term. What’s the line between healthy food habits and an overly restrictive diet? Check out this article to find out, and learn how to cultivate a healthier relationship with food. #nutrition #healthylifestyle #wellness Seven Eating Behaviors That...


Positive Psychology: How to Use It in Health Coaching

I first encountered positive psychology as an undergraduate, and it was eye-opening. I learned that in addition to psychopaths, psychotherapy, Freud, and OCD, psychologists also study the positive areas of our lives. Positive psychologists want to know what makes us happy, motivated, and resilient. In other words, they explore what’s going well and how people can create a good life. After college, positive psychology became an important part of my career. I researched stress management and ways to boost people’s motivation, and I helped companies unlock engagement and motivation for their employees. Now, as an ADAPT-Certified Functional Health Coach, I use positive psychology every day in the work that I do with my clients. Positive psychology and health coaching go hand in hand. Check out this article...


RHR: Have We Been Wrong about SIBO? with Dr. Purna Kashyap

In this episode, we discuss: How our understanding of gut issues has changed Kashyap’s recent findings on SIBO How diet impacts SIBO symptoms Why individualized treatment for SIBO is better than one-size-fits-all Diet, lifestyle, and a healthy gut microbiome Resolving SIBO symptoms Better treatment and testing methods for SIBO Show notes: [embedded content] Hey, everybody, it’s Chris Kresser. Welcome to another episode of Revolution Health Radio. This week I’m really excited to welcome Dr. Purna Kashyap as a guest on the show to discuss his recent Nature paper on small intestinal dysbiosis. If you’ve been listening to this show for any length of time, especially recently, you’ll know that I have some significant concerns about the current understanding of SIBO, or small intestinal bacterial overgrowth—everything from the way we test for it to the...


Understanding Fertility Awareness Methods of Birth Control

Approximately 65 percent of women in the United States of childbearing age are using some type of contraception, and over 99 percent of all women will use a form of contraception at some point in their lives. (1, 2) Birth control is a deeply personal and controversial subject. Contraceptives are considered one of the biggest achievements in women’s rights and modern history, but women often aren’t satisfied with their method of birth control. Between 50 and 75 percent of women switch or stop using oral contraceptives due to side effects. Almost a third of women have used five or more types of artificial birth control. (3) I’m in several online mom groups, and every other day, it seems that a woman asks which contraceptive she should try...


Gut Inflammation: 12 Causes (and 12 Effects)

I’ve previously discussed how your gut microbiome influences essentially every aspect of your health. However, gut inflammation is also a crucial determinant of intestinal and whole-body health. Read on to learn how various diet and lifestyle factors cause gut inflammation, the health consequences of a chronically inflamed gut, and practical strategies for alleviating inflammation and restoring gut health.  Gut inflammation can contribute to the development of a wide range of serious conditions like type 2 diabetes, Parkinson’s disease, cardiovascular disease, and more. Find out what causes inflammation and what you can do to correct it. #optimalhealth #chriskresser A Primer on the Gut Gut health is influenced by two related variables: the intestinal barrier and the gut microbiota. Disturbances in either one of these factors can induce gut inflammation,...


RHR: Why We Need Sleep, with Dr. Matthew Walker

In this episode, we discuss: How Dr. Walker became a sleep researcher What we’ve learned about sleep How our sleep patterns have changed Tracking your sleep Sleep patterns of night owls and morning larks How naps, meditation, and medication affect sleep Five things you can do to improve your sleep Show notes: [embedded content] Hey everybody, this is Chris Kresser. Welcome to another episode of Revolution Health Radio. This week I’m really excited to welcome Dr. Matthew Walker as a guest on the show. Dr. Walker is an English scientist and professor of neuroscience and psychology at the University of California Berkeley, my alma mater. His research focuses on the impact of sleep in human health and disease. Previously, he was a professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School. He’s also the founder and...
