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January 14, 2025

RHR: Gut Health 3.0- The Power of Polyphenols and Postbiotics

In this episode, we discuss: Gut Health 1.0: Probiotics and Bacillus coagulans Gut Health 2.0: Prebiotics and bacteriophages Gut Health 3.0: Polypheno

November 5, 2024

RHR: Revolutionizing Cancer Treatment, with Dr. Chris Apfel

In this episode, we discuss: Dr. Apfel’s background and personal journey into cancer research The important first steps to take after a cancer diagn

How a Technology Addiction Can Hurt Your Health

Page Contents: Why would these tech titans stop their children from using the products they helped create and promote? Because they knew the grim truth: Technology addiction is a very real problem. Not only are innovations such as smartphones, social media, and the internet addictive by their very nature, but they’re also specifically engineered to take advantage of human vulnerabilities and our hardwired basic needs. These tech pros, who also were parents, knew that—as with any addiction—there are serious consequences of being dependent on devices, including risks from disrupted sleep to depression. And of course, it’s not just the youngest users who need to be protected from these pitfalls. It’s all of us. In this article, you’ll learn the symptoms of technology addiction along with the...


RHR: What COVID-19 Testing Can and Cannot Tell Us, with Dale Harrison

Page Contents: In this episode, we discuss: Dale’s background in molecular diagnostics Test performance in a controlled environment vs. in the real world The four types of COVID-19 tests Why there are false-negative results but rarely, if ever, false-positive results Asymptomatic antigen testing Making an informed decision around holiday plans The future of testing Show notes: [embedded content] Hey, everyone, Chris Kresser here. Welcome to another episode of Revolution Health Radio. This week, we’re going to be talking all about COVID-19 testing and what the currently available testing can and cannot tell us. There are a lot of misconceptions out there right now about testing, whether we’re talking about [polymerase chain reaction] (PCR) tests, rapid [loop-mediated isothermal amplification] (LAMP) tests, or rapid antigen tests. And I wanted to record this episode because I know...


RHR: The impact technology has on ourselves, our families, and our future, with Tim Kendall

Page Contents: In this episode, we discuss: Tim’s background How media affects our sense of shared reality How technology is evolving for the worse Ways to implement behavior change How social media has impacted children’s development and how we can protect our kids from these technologies Show notes: [embedded content] Hey, everybody, Chris Kresser here. Welcome to another episode of Revolution Health Radio. This week, I’m really excited to bring you Tim Kendall as our guest. Tim is the CEO of Moment, an app that helps adults and children use their phones in healthier ways. Tim is the former president of Pinterest. At various points, he led product development, engineering, marketing, and sales. Prior to Pinterest, Tim was Facebook’s director of monetization, where he led the development of Facebook’s advertising business. Tim...


Why Misleading Food Labels Are So Prevalent and How You Can Avoid Them

Page Contents: How do you decide whether a packaged food is nutritious? Clever labels and marketing schemes can trick consumers into thinking their products are healthy when they are far from it. Check out this article to learn about common misleading food labels, food engineers, and sugar addiction. Misleading food labels and marketing schemes can trick consumers into thinking certain products are healthy—even when they’re not. Check out this article from Katie Melville for more on food labels, sugar addiction, and food engineers. #paleo #nutrition #wellness Why “Organic” and “Gluten-Free” Don’t Say Much about How Healthy a Food Is In general, “real” food shouldn’t need an ingredients list. Carrots are carrots, apples are apples, and you don’t need a label to tell you that. But, aside from produce,...


RHR: A New Model of Healthcare and Human Transformation

Page Contents: In this episode, we discuss: Meeting the team at Adapt180 Health™ What Adapt180 Health™ is What’s included in an Adapt180 Health™ membership How we get you started on the path toward health Who’s a good fit for Adapt180 Health™ Show notes: [embedded content] Hey, everyone, Chris Kresser here. Welcome to another episode of Revolution Health Radio. This week, I’m going to do something a little bit different. I want to talk about the trajectory of chronic illness in the [United States] and around the world and some of the shortcomings of both the conventional medicine model of care and also even the fee-for-service Functional Medicine or integrative medicine model of care. I’ve been treating patients for over a decade, and I’ve learned a few things along the way. And recently,...


9 PCOS Nutrition Interventions to Help Your Symptoms and Improve Your Health

Page Contents: The conventional medical treatment for PCOS includes anti-diabetic medications, such as metformin, aldosterone antagonists like spironolactone, and oral contraceptives. Nutrition can also address PCOS, making a significant difference in the course and severity of the condition. However, since no two PCOS cases are the same, it follows that no single diet will address all PCOS cases. Read on to learn about the nutritional strategies that can aid PCOS healing and which one may be right for you based on your unique physiology.  Do you have PCOS? Fine-tuning your diet may help your symptoms. Check out this article from nutritionist Lindsay Christensen for nine dietary strategies beneficial for PCOS. #nutrition #optimalhealth #wellness What Is PCOS? PCOS is a common but complex endocrine disorder that affects women of...


How Is Your Inner Critic Holding You Back?

Page Contents: “At certain times of my life, my inner critic has been deafening, beginning in high school when my dad asked why I received an A and not an A+. I knew he was kidding, but my perfectionist self wanted to show him an A+ next time. My inner voice has often taken over, convincing me I’m not good enough, I should do more and do it better. Why do I fall for that? Along with learning to strive for excellence over perfection, I have learned to stay present, ask myself if those inner words are even true, and remind myself of my successes and accomplishments to hush the inner critic. If that voice still wants to sit on my shoulder some days, I’ll...


RHR: How to Reduce Viral Exposure When You’re Stuck Inside, with Michael Schrantz

Page Contents: In this episode, we discuss: How you can reduce viral exposure while you’re indoors How to improve your home’s ventilation The pros and cons of air purification and filtration Practical steps to improve your indoor air quality Show notes: [embedded content] Hey, everybody, Chris Kresser here. Welcome to another episode of Revolution Health Radio. This week, I’m happy to welcome back Michael Schrantz as my guest. Mike is the founder and operator of Environmental Analytics. He has over 20 years of experience in improving indoor air quality and building science. And [in] the first podcast that I did with Mike, we talked about indoor air quality in the context of mold and other biotoxins that you might encounter from water damage. That’s a big issue that’s, of course, been...


The Functional Medicine Approach to Depression: Identifying and Treating the Root Cause

Page Contents: While antidepressants can be life-saving for some people—and, if you’re currently taking antidepressants, you should not stop doing so without the guidance and support of your doctor—they’re not a good fit for everyone. For some people, they don’t alleviate depressive symptoms, and for others, they cause a new set of disruptive side effects. Other people don’t want to take antidepressants long-term or they can’t afford the financial investment to do so. Whatever your reason, there is a way to address the root cause of your depression directly, without long-term antidepressant usage: Functional Medicine. The Functional Medicine approach to depression—and in fact, the Functional Medicine approach to any chronic condition—is to identify and address the root cause of the problem. That means treatment is focused...


How Earning Your Health Coach Certification Can Boost Your Coaching Career

Page Contents: In spring 2018, I thought about starting a health coaching practice without additional training. At the time, I was contemplating a career change. I had undergraduate and graduate degrees in psychology, and I had worked as a stress researcher and had coached leaders. I thought that all of these things would be a solid foundation for coaching and make me a good coach. Could I have become a health coach based on that experience and education? Sure. In fact, anyone can call themselves a health coach. Would that have provided me with the building blocks to become a great health coach? I doubt it. As I thought about whether or not to sign up for a coaching program, I had the nagging feeling that there were...
