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Welcome / Health (Page 20)

Functional Health: What Is It, and How Does it Apply to Health Coaching?

Page Contents: Four blindfolded men are brought into a room with an elephant and asked to guess what’s in the room with them. Each man touches one part of the elephant and shares what he has found. The first holds the tail and says, “it must be a rope.” The second feels the leg and declares, “no, it must be a tree.” The third grabs the trunk and says, “this is a snake.” And the fourth tugs on the ear and says, “you’re all wrong because I’ve got a leather jacket here.” Each man fails to see the bigger picture. He can’t grasp how each of the parts fits together to be an elephant. Imagine if they were able to take off their blindfolds or spend...


Why Pasture-Raised Animal Products Are Better for Your Health and the Environment

Page Contents: Do you want to eat healthy and also help the environment? Consider sourcing pastured animal products, which are both more nutritious and more eco-friendly than conventional products. Animal Products Are Part of an Ancestral Diet Animal products are key components of an ancestral diet, along with starchy and non-starchy vegetables, fruits, nuts, and seeds. Meat, eggs, bone broth, organ meats, and sometimes even milk provide high-quality nutrition for humans. Animal products often provide micronutrients that can be hard to obtain elsewhere, including: Vitamin B12 Choline Heme iron DHA and EPA (docosahexaenoic acid and eicosapentaenoic acid) Vitamin K2 Selenium Preformed vitamin A High-quality protein Pasture-raised animal products are better for you and better for the environment. Check out this article from Katie Melville for an updated look at the benefits of pastured animal products....


7 Ways Toxic Mold Affects Your Brain

Page Contents: This article originally appeared in Paleo Magazine.  The average person living in the modern, Westernized world spends a whopping 80 to 90 percent of his or her time indoors. (1) Given the amount of time we spend inside, we must ensure the safety and cleanliness of our indoor environments. Unfortunately, a shocking number of residential buildings, schools, and workplaces today harbor an environmental contaminant that poses a severe threat to our cognitive health—mold. Read on to learn why the sharp smell of mold and unpleasant musty odors indoors should not be ignored if you care about your long-term cognitive health. Exposure to toxic mold can cause a number of worrying cognitive symptoms. Check out this article to find out more and to learn how to...


How to Reduce Light Pollution to Sleep Soundly and Feel Energized

Page Contents: Our hunter–gatherer ancestors didn’t have LED lights, iPads, or street lights ablaze all night. Instead, they were dependent on the sun, the moon, and fire for light. Consistent light cycles ensured that circadian rhythms, moods, and hormones were in check. But today, it’s a different story. We’re exposed to bright lights well past sunset, and during the day, we often don’t get enough real sunlight. Light can increase our productivity, but too much light has consequences. Artificial light at the wrong times creates a mismatch between our genes and the environment, with potentially dire health outcomes. Light pollution has an impact on your sleep and your overall health. Check out this article to find out how to reduce your exposure to light pollution at home...


RHR: An Update on COVID 19 and Gluten Intolerance, with Dr. Ramzi Asfour

Page Contents: In this episode, we discuss: Updates on COVID-19 A new method for diagnosing celiac disease and non-celiac gluten sensitivity What causes non-celiac gluten sensitivity How non-celiac gluten sensitivity manifests in patients What to do if your symptoms don’t stop after you go gluten-free Developments that Dr. Asfour is looking forward to Show notes: [embedded content] Hey, everybody, Chris Kresser here. Welcome to another episode of Revolution Health Radio. This week, I’m excited to welcome back Dr. Ramzi Asfour as a guest. Dr. Asfour is a board certified infectious disease and internal medicine doctor. He graduated from New York Medical College and completed an internal medicine residency program at California Pacific Medical Center followed by a fellowship in infectious diseases at UCSD [University of California San Diego]. He’s worked for the World...


How to Practice Mindfulness and the 20 Ways It Will Transform Your Life

Page Contents: Mindfulness practices are taking the world by storm, and for a good reason. In our hectic, hyper-technological world, mindfulness is quickly becoming a necessity not only for maintaining sanity, but for helping us stay productive, creative, and physically and mentally well. Read on to learn 20 ways in which practicing mindfulness will revolutionize your health and well-being and how to incorporate it into your daily life.  Practicing mindfulness carries big benefits for your overall health and well-being. Check out this article from Lindsay Christensen for 20 ways a regular mindfulness practice will transform your life. #optimalhealth #healthylifestyle #wellness What Is Mindfulness? We hear the term “mindfulness” thrown around frequently, but what does it actually mean? While a consistent definition of mindfulness has long eluded the scientific,...


RHR: COVID-19: My Thoughts on Where We Are Now, and Where We’re Headed

Page Contents: In this episode, we discuss: Will’s background and health coaching experience The political, cultural, and psychological challenges we’re facing with COVID-19 Whether we are flattening the curve The test, trace, and isolate strategy The types of testing available for COVID-19 What we know about immunity Signs and symptoms of COVID-19 What determines your risk of infection Our emotional response to the pandemic Assessing your risk comfort level How the pandemic might end Show notes: [embedded content] Hey, everybody, Chris Kresser here. Welcome to another episode of Revolution Health Radio. I’m going to do something a little bit differently on the show this week. I’m going to be the guest. And I’ve invited Will Welch, who is an ADAPT-Certified Functional Health Coach and a National Board-Certified Health Coach with a background in organizational psychology, on to...


How These 3 Health Coaches Describe Their Jobs: Health Coaching in Action

Page Contents: When asked about what I do, I explain that I am an ADAPT-Certified Functional Health Coach (A-CFHC). I help people believe in their unlimited potential to change their habits and thrive. I offer my support, inspiration, awareness, and attention to motivate others to take simple steps that lead to their ideal vision of wellness. I am also an Enrollment Advisor for the Kresser Institute, and I have the pleasure of spending part of my day talking to wellness warriors who want to share their passion for Functional Medicine and optimal health. We created a series of articles to forward the understanding of the vital role health coaches play in helping clients achieve positive health outcomes. This article will give you a window into the...


Nutrition and Aging: What to Eat for a Long and Healthy Life

Page Contents: While science and medicine have long relegated age-related chronic diseases to the realm of the inevitable, a growing body of research indicates that we can change how we age! The diet and lifestyle choices we make every day have a significant impact on the aging process and can influence whether we age gracefully or succumb to chronic disease. Read on to learn how you can take control of the aging process and stay youthful and healthy for years to come, with the help of strategic nutrition interventions. What should you eat for a longer lifespan? Check out this article from nutritionist Lindsay Christensen to find out. #nutrition #optimalhealth #wellness A Primer on the Nine Hallmarks of Aging In this article, we’ll cover six steps to...


Alcohol and Health: 15 Effects of Excess Alcohol Intake and 4 Benefits of Moderate Drinking

Page Contents: Traditional cultures around the world have long enjoyed the occasional alcoholic beverage. Cauim, an alcoholic beverage made from the manioc root, has been enjoyed by indigenous people of South America for millennia. The Japanese have been making sake for at least 2,000 years, while winemaking began nearly 8,000 years ago. (3, 4) The earliest known fermented beverage, which most likely contained alcohol, hailed from China and consisted of a mixture of rice, honey, and hawthorn or grapes. One anthropological theory postulates that the dawn of agriculture was initiated by humans’ discovery of beer, which persuaded them to give up their nomadic ways and settle into societies where they could cultivate grain for their newfound favorite beverage. (5) While alcohol is inarguably a long-standing part...
