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February 13, 2025

Why Bacillus coagulans Is My Go-To Probiotic for IBS and SIBO

If you’re struggling with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), you know how challenging these conditions

February 11, 2025

RHR: Exploring Peak Health and Fitness, with Mark Sisson

In this episode, we discuss: Mark’s journey from runner to fitness advocate The case against chronic cardio Footwear, biomechanics, and the importan

The Top 4 Benefits of Raising Chickens (And How to Do It)

Page Contents: Before the 1950s, most laying hens lived in moderate-sized flocks in a barn or free-range system, and eggs were sold locally. In stark contrast, today more than 94 percent of eggs are from hens who live in overcrowded conventional facilities, with little access to nature. (1) Unfortunately, these concentrated animal feeding operation farms prioritize egg production and efficiency over animal welfare and egg quality. Pastured eggs are a healthy, nutrient-dense food, and raising backyard chickens means steady access to them. Check out this article for more benefits, and to learn how writer and researcher Katie Melville set up her own coop. #paleo #nutrition #wellness Cholesterol Worries? We’ve been told for decades that a diet high in saturated fat and cholesterol leads to heart disease. Many people...


RHR: Fixing Our Broken Food System, with Dr. Mark Hyman

Page Contents: In this episode, we discuss: What’s wrong with our food system How our food system affects our children The role regulation can play in our health Access to healthy food in underserved populations The damage that our industrial food system causes Hyman’s Food Fix Campaign Show notes: [embedded content] Hey, everybody, Chris Kresser here. Welcome to another episode of Revolution Health Radio. This week, I’m really excited to welcome my good friend and colleague Dr. Mark Hyman as a guest. Dr. Hyman’s a practicing family physician and internationally recognized leader, speaker, educator, and advocate in the field of Functional Medicine. He’s the founder and director of The UltraWellness Center, the head of strategy and innovation of the Cleveland Clinic Center for Functional Medicine, a 12-time New York Times bestselling author, and...


Animal Protein and a Whole-Foods Diet: What the Science Says

Page Contents: Does animal protein belong in the human diet? Is it truly as bad for our health as many “experts” claim? Read on to learn why science supports the consumption of animal protein as part of a whole-foods diet, and why we should think twice before accepting claims that meat is harmful to our health. Have you come across headlines claiming that animal products are harmful for our health? It’s a popular—and frequently misrepresented—topic in the media. In this article, nutritionist Lindsay Christensen sets the record straight on animal protein. #nutrition #wellness We Can Thank Animal Protein for Making Us Human When considering what constitutes a healthy diet for humans, looking at diet through an evolutionary lens offers profound insight. Our hunter–gatherer ancestors lived lives largely free...


RHR: How Sustainably Raised Cattle Help the Environment, with Will Harris

Page Contents: In this episode, we discuss: Why White Oak Pastures practices sustainable agriculture How sustainable land management impacts carbon emissions The problem with monocultures What holistic, sustainable land management looks like Animal welfare in sustainable agriculture How sustainable agriculture impacts the community What the life-cycle analysis showed about White Oak Pastures Feeding the world with sustainable farming Show notes: [embedded content] Hey, everybody. Chris Kresser here. Welcome to another episode of Revolution Health Radio. This week, I’m really excited to welcome Will Harris as my guest on the show. Will is a fourth-generation cattleman who tends to the same land that his great-grandfather settled way back in 1866. Born and raised at White Oak Pastures, Will left home to attend the University of Georgia School of Agriculture, where he was trained in the industrial...


The Importance of Social Connection for Functional Medicine Practitioners

Page Contents: Humans are social creatures. We lived in tight-knit groups for much of our existence, in close and constant contact with members of our tribe, working together to perform tasks and solve problems, and relying on one another to survive. In our modern era, we still do best when we feel connected. In fact, we thrive. That’s true in our personal lives, but it also applies to our professional lives as practitioners. When we feel connected, our stress levels are lower, our health is better, and we’re more engaged in our work. We’re better able to serve our passion for helping people and are less likely to feel burned out. Supportive relationships matter. If you want to cultivate meaningful professional relationships and find your tribe...


Health Coaching and Client Transformations: Health Coaching in Action

Page Contents: I am an ADAPT-Certified Functional Health Coach (Chris Kresser likens us to change agents). I am also an Enrollment Advisor for the Kresser Institute, and I have the pleasure of spending part of my day talking to wellness warriors who want to share their passion for Functional Medicine and optimal health. We created a series of articles to forward the understanding of the vital role health coaches play in helping clients achieve positive health outcomes. We hope to give you a window into the exciting and growing field of health coaching. I look forward to your feedback and your potential to transform. Check out this article from health coach MaryAnn Jones for real-world examples of how health coaching helps clients transform their lives. #healthylifestyle...


How to Combat Seasonal Depression

Page Contents: This article originally appeared in Paleo Magazine. If you repeatedly experience depression symptoms along with sleepiness and fatigue during the winter months, you might be suffering from seasonal affective disorder. Read on to learn about what causes seasonal depression and some tips for preventing and beating it naturally. Seasonal depression is common in winter, but there are ways to ease your symptoms and improve your mood—without waiting for the sun to come out. Check out this article for tips on fighting seasonal depression. #healthylifestyle #wellness #chriskresser Winter Blues and Seasonal Depression Does winter bum you out? If you experience depression-like symptoms winter after winter, you may be suffering from seasonal affective disorder (SAD). Symptoms of SAD generally include: Depressed mood Fatigue Irritability Difficulty concentrating Excessive sleeping (hypersomnia) Carb cravings SAD prevalence increases as geographical...


RHR: How to Slow Aging and Increase Healthspan, with Dr. David Sinclair

Page Contents: In this episode, we discuss: How much genes contribute to our lifespan and healthspan What aging is The mechanisms of aging Strategies to combat aging Resveratrol, NMN [nicotinamide mononucleotide], metformin, and other longevity defenses Show notes: [embedded content] Hey, everybody. Welcome to another episode of Revolution Health Radio. This week, I’m really excited to welcome Dr. David Sinclair as my guest. Dr. Sinclair is a professor in the Department of Genetics and co director of the Paul F. Glenn Center for the Biology of Aging at Harvard Medical School, where he and his colleagues study the molecular causes of aging and how to improve healthspan and lifespan by slowing its effects. David’s the author of the new book Lifespan: Why We Age—and Why We Don’t Have To, which came out on...


Health Coach Networking: The Benefits of Connection and Collaboration for Coaches

Page Contents: “I can do things you cannot, you can do things I cannot; together we can do great things.” — Mother Teresa If you were a fly on the wall in my office every day, you wouldn’t imagine that I am part of an extensive network of connections. I run an entirely virtual health coaching practice, and I am behind a computer for much of the day, but my success is a reflection of the people that I connect with every week in my health coach network. Among the important connections are those with fellow coaches, allied health professionals, and other business owners in various industries. These connections have numerous benefits. I talk about coaching skills and techniques with my colleagues, and we build our practices...


RHR: What Makes an Effective Health Coach, with Dr. John Berardi

Page Contents: In this episode, we discuss: What really leads to change Why health coaches need to take a client-centered approach The art of asking the right questions Using positive psychology in health coaching The problem with overspecialization Why prioritization matters for health coaches and business owners Show notes: [embedded content] Hey, everybody. Chris Kresser here. Welcome to another episode of Revolution Health Radio. This week, I’m really excited to welcome Dr. John Berardi as a guest. John is a Canadian-American entrepreneur best known as the co-founder of Precision Nutrition, the world’s largest nutrition coaching, education, and software company. He’s also the founder of Change Maker Academy devoted to helping would-be change makers turn their passion for health and fitness into a powerful purpose and a wildly successful career. Over the last 15 years,...
