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Author: admin

Welcome / Articles posted by admin (Page 22)

ADAPTing: Creating Health and Joy in the Face of Uncertainty and Challenge

Page Contents: In this webinar, we discuss: Developing a mindfulness/meditation practice Cultivating “realistic optimism” and hope Elevating your mood Connecting with loved ones and getting support Being of service Webinar Q&A session Show notes: [embedded content] Chris Kresser: Okay, so I want to welcome you all here. I’m really glad that you took the time to join us. These are crazy times, of course, that we’re living in. And it’s, as I said, it’s so important for us to come together as a community to support each other and share resources and ideas. And I wanted to really focus today on this webinar, not so much on information and updates about COVID and transmission and how to protect yourselves from acquiring the illness, and all the things that I have been talking about...


COVID-19 Prep: How to Stock up Your Paleo-Friendly Pantry and Freezer

Page Contents: The good news is that there are plenty of Paleo-friendly food options out there with long shelf lives. In this article, I’ll go over some basics of how to prep your pantry and freezer for COVID-19, as well as offer you some tips and recipes to help you stay nourished, body and mind, during these challenging times. Looking for Paleo-friendly recommendations to help you stock up during social distancing? This is your primer on nutritious shelf-stable and frozen food options that are still Paleo. #paleo #coronavirus #covid19 For More Information on COVID-19 and Flattening the Curve: Why It’s Important to Keep Eating a Nutrient-Dense Diet Maintaining a healthy, nutrient-dense diet is crucial for your immune system. Your immune system needs proper nutrition to function, and your...


RHR: Updates on COVID-19 and Answers to Your Questions

Page Contents: In this episode, we discuss: Boosting your immune system (5:35) The government’s response to COVID-19 (12:45) Building immunity to COVID-19 and possible treatment options (18:09) How long does COVID-19 last on surfaces? (24:03) Advice for immunocompromised individuals (32:15) Building a fully stocked, Paleo-friendly pantry (42:54) Should you get tested for COVID-19? (53:21) Show notes: [embedded content] Today, I’m going to do a Q&A on covid. It’s on everybody’s mind, it’s on my mind, we’re going to kind of suspend the normal podcast at least for a couple of weeks while we’re still in the really intensive phase of this pandemic so I can continue to answer your questions and share my thoughts. And hopefully, as we flatten the curve and things settle down a little bit, we’ll go back to our...


Webinar Recap: How to Be Prepared for COVID-19

Page Contents: In this webinar, we discuss: How to think about COVID-19 The growth of COVID-19 How contagious is COVID-19? What is the mortality rate for COVID-19? How long will COVID-19 last, and what will the impact be? Steps you can take to flatten the curve Resources to help you focus on staying healthy Tips on boosting your immunity Q&A: Answers to questions on COVID-19 Show notes: [embedded content] Hey, everybody. Welcome to this special webinar on COVID-19 [coronavirus disease 2019]. I wish we were gathering under better circumstances. But I really wanted to take the opportunity to share some of what I’ve learned over the past several days. And, of course, this is changing almost hour by hour. I just heard some new updates that France and Spain [will] be going on lockdown, much the...


Food for Mold Illness: What to Eat and What to Avoid

Page Contents: Have you undergone medical treatment for mold illness, but still struggle with chronic inflammation, digestive issues, or cognitive dysfunction? If this sounds like you, it may be time to take a closer look at your nutrition, as the foods you eat can either help or hinder your recovery from mold illness. Read on to learn how optimal nutrition can aid in mold illness recovery by supporting detoxification, restoring gut health, and quenching inflammation caused by toxic mold exposure. Exposure to toxic mold is more common than you might think. In this article, nutritionist Lindsay Christensen discusses the foods that can help your recovery and those that could hinder your progress. #nutrition #optimalhealth What Is Mold Illness? If you are reading this article, I’m guessing you’re familiar...


RHR: How Your Lifestyle Impacts Your Health and Longevity, with Max Lugavere

Page Contents: In this episode, we discuss: Max’s journey into health and wellness The many ways that lifestyle impacts your health, wellness, and longevity How light exposure affects your body and health The health risks of noise pollution How air pollution affects your health and longevity How to find out more about The Genius Life Show notes: [embedded content] Hey, everybody. Welcome to another episode of Revolution Health Radio. I’m Chris Kresser, and this week, I’m really excited to welcome Max Lugavere as my guest. Max is a filmmaker, a health and science journalist, and the author of The New York Times best-selling book Genius Foods: Become Smarter, Happier, and More Productive While Protecting Your Brain for Life, which has been published in eight languages. He’s the director of the film Bread Head,...


Health Coaching vs. Counseling: What’s the Difference?

Page Contents: A few questions you might be asking yourself are: Do I see myself counseling or health coaching? Which professional identity fits me and my career path? What is my vision of working with clients or patients? These are important questions without easy answers. You may see yourself clearly in a helping role with a client or patient, and yet the specific details of that role and how best to pursue it are unclear. Likewise, navigating the array of personal and professional opinions can feel daunting. How’s a person to decide? When it comes to health coaching vs. counseling, what’s the difference? Are you considering a career as a health coach? Find out what differentiates this career from counseling in this article from health coach and mental health professional...


RHR: Everything You Need to Know about Coronavirus, with Dr. Ramzi Asfour

Page Contents: In this episode, we discuss: The spread of the coronavirus Testing for the coronavirus How infectious the coronavirus is How to protect yourself against infection from the coronavirus Supporting your immune system to prevent infection Three recipes for immune-boosting botanicals Show notes: [embedded content] Hey, everybody. This is Chris Kresser. Welcome to another episode of Revolution Health Radio. This week, I’m excited to welcome back Dr. Ramzi Asfour as my guest. You may recall that I did a podcast with Ramzi a little while ago on the connection between Lyme disease and gluten intolerance and celiac [disease], which was really fascinating. We had originally planned to do part two of that podcast because there was a lot of material that we hadn’t covered today, but given the coronavirus outbreak and given...


The Top 4 Benefits of Raising Chickens (And How to Do It)

Page Contents: Before the 1950s, most laying hens lived in moderate-sized flocks in a barn or free-range system, and eggs were sold locally. In stark contrast, today more than 94 percent of eggs are from hens who live in overcrowded conventional facilities, with little access to nature. (1) Unfortunately, these concentrated animal feeding operation farms prioritize egg production and efficiency over animal welfare and egg quality. Pastured eggs are a healthy, nutrient-dense food, and raising backyard chickens means steady access to them. Check out this article for more benefits, and to learn how writer and researcher Katie Melville set up her own coop. #paleo #nutrition #wellness Cholesterol Worries? We’ve been told for decades that a diet high in saturated fat and cholesterol leads to heart disease. Many people...


RHR: Fixing Our Broken Food System, with Dr. Mark Hyman

Page Contents: In this episode, we discuss: What’s wrong with our food system How our food system affects our children The role regulation can play in our health Access to healthy food in underserved populations The damage that our industrial food system causes Hyman’s Food Fix Campaign Show notes: [embedded content] Hey, everybody, Chris Kresser here. Welcome to another episode of Revolution Health Radio. This week, I’m really excited to welcome my good friend and colleague Dr. Mark Hyman as a guest. Dr. Hyman’s a practicing family physician and internationally recognized leader, speaker, educator, and advocate in the field of Functional Medicine. He’s the founder and director of The UltraWellness Center, the head of strategy and innovation of the Cleveland Clinic Center for Functional Medicine, a 12-time New York Times bestselling author, and...
